How to participate in the virtual poster sessions?
Specific times for poster sessions will be published in the program book at the end of June.
1. Create a Twitter account (if you do not already have one). Your tweets are public by default, which will allow VCT2020 participants to view and engage with your poster. You can change your settings to “protected” tweets (visible to followers only) after VCT2020. Please familiarize yourself with adding and searching hashtags (e.g. #VCT2020Poster).
2. Register to participate in the poster session. Registration is now closed. Deadline for registration was June 26, 2020.
3. Tweet your poster with a short title and hashtag #VCT2020Poster during the conference. Please see below the guidelines and resources for preparing your Twitter-friendly virtual posters.
4. Engage and discuss with the audience during the poster sessions as well as throughout the duration of VCT2020. Answer questions about your poster, view others’ posters and ask questions.
Guidelines and Resources
Remember: In the electronic format poster, you can be creative and unconventional. Use your imagination!
1. Format/Size: Posters should be uploaded as images (JPEG/PNG). The image file can be up to 5MB in size. The recommended aspect ratio is landscape 2:1 (width:height), which allows the entire poster to be visible in the tweet preview. Virtual posters should be designed in a way so that the text and graphics are clearly readable on a desktop/laptop screen. Therefore, please be mindful of the text and graphics size. Remember, less is more! Zen Faulkes has excellent tips for designing Twitter posters: Better Posters
2. Character limit: Please add a brief title and description to your poster. The character limit in a tweet is 280 characters. However, you could use multiple linked tweets (“threads”) to add additional details. Again, remember, sometimes less is more!
3. External links: In a tweet, you can also add external links. For example, a link to your paper, a website/database, a video etc.
If you have questions, please contact: Prashun Gorai (pgorai@mines.edu)